Ответы к практике перефразирования во второй части Academic IELTS
Помимо вариантов, предложенных мною, выделенные слова из упражнений можно перефразировать многими способами. Моей задачей было показать, как и в каком количестве можно перефразировать слова для получения наивысшего балла на экзамене. Если у Вас возникли вопросы, пишите их в комментариях в статье или упражнении.
Exercise 1
1) Some people a) claim that b) the most effective method of c) making children be on their best behaviour is d) punishment.
2) There has been a) an extensive b) number of studies that show how c) consuming vast quantities of food/consuming a lot of food can e) adversely affect the body d) in a number of ways.
3) Schools a) ought to b) cease c) applying books in d) education and e) start to empoy other teaching means g) during a lesson such as computers, f) television and films.
4) Is it a) necessary to b) exercise (rigorous) control over the Internet by the government?
5) Oxygen is a chemical compound that is a) made by forests and b) used in the process of c) controlling climate.
Exercise 2
b) At present a) more and more people are c) becoming active users of dating sites in order to d) find a partner. I e) (firmly) believe that this f) development/trend is i) mostly positive as it makes it possible to h) communicate conveniently across the globe and improves one's chances of being successful in their search.
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